
About Us

Our founder realized the importance of Nutralife in comprehensive multi-vitamin,  multi-herbal supplement and many other common seasonal indications. NutraLife brought FortaVita as the perfect alternative source to chemical products.
Our founder was the first person to introduce NutraLife to the Middle East region. He started making range of  products & NutraLife products from Pure Ingredients and selected Dubai, UAE as the Middle East Regional Office.


To be the most preferred, trusted and reliable source of Manuka Honey partner of our Clients. His vision was ‘to produce natural products that work, and acting in a way which
preserves the environment for generations to come’ and set out to improve people’s health and wellbeing by using the power of nature. He successfully launched the entire range in the Middle East and Fortavita grew from strength to strength for others to follow.
We are one of the most preffered, Search & Research firm for clients from the Pharmaceutical, life sciences, Neutraceuticals & Manufacturing sectors in the Middle East.

Quality of products: whatever it takes, we do not compromise with the quality of our products. Quality equals reputation and it affects people’s trust, a fundamental asset
we always strive to win and keep.
Quick Delivery & Fast Respond: because waiting is an annoying feeling, and making the client wait is even worse, Fortavita will always try hard to take immediate action
and server clients in the right time.
Customer Service: Good customer service is our lifeblood. We always struggle to make our clients happy and our reward is to see our clients pass on a positive feedback to
Good Communication: Good communication skills are somehow absent between clients and companies. However, we at Fortavita, not only aim at communication with customers, but maintaining strong relationships with them, especially that people’s comfort and contentment is our utmost goal.


At NutraLife, we believe all human beings can stay healthy and fit that will be a reflection of every one’s self-confidence and well being.
We aim at ensuring perfection in our premium and high quality products and provide the vital element of 100% pure natural origin that sets our brands apart. Therefore, we keep our customer at the cutting edge of technology and quality that helps enhancing every one’s health and well being.

  • To exceed customer expectation by providing quality, effective & 100% pure natural products.
  • Improve health conditions with speed, simplicity & naturally
  • Achieve continuous improvement in products & research with a strong relationship-driven approach.
  • Implement best in-class practices & provide value-added product & services



At NutraLife, we define excellence not as an outstanding feature, but as must. We work together so that excellence becomes our intrinsic quality.


This value may sound inappropriate to our profile as a modern company.
However, we keep the promise to combine tradition in bringing people’s splendor and charm to light with modernity standards and requirements to remain healthy and fit.


As a wide majority of new business fail, Fortavita stands firm and ranks high among competitors. Having Entrepreneurship as value, we are indeed subject to risks but we are proud to serve as an engine for job creation and economic growth.


At NutraLife, there is neither place nor time for amateur practices or methods. We present our clients with expertness, laying down all our capacities merged with our expertise.


Being the basic driving force behind entrepreneurships, innovation is our talent as we successfully launch new and relevant products, and give the best sales services.
NutraLife commits to preserve, reinforce, and transmit these values